My Journey
Want to know about Indians Abroad ?
Since childhood I had this dream of wandering around the world by being a travel professional but adulthood crushed it and put me in a regular desk job. One day I realized while working that I had spent 8 years in designing itineraries, making travel plans and booking packages for my clients, friends and family. The job was okay but I always wanted to do that for myself what I was doing for others.
I started travelling by my own since 2014 and have traveled to more than 20 countries. Recently, I urged to find a space for my voice where I can share my knowledge, give travel tips, change assumptions about travelling and make you learn from my mistakes.
Life as a wanderer feels happier than ever

Why do I Travel?
Firstly, I am eager to see what all our planet has to offer from tiny little islands to ice covered continent which is uninhabited ( you know Antarctica right?). Secondly, I want to challenge myself, push the boundaries and overcome my fears. And lastly, I like to meet interesting people, making new friends, see beautiful places and live a life full of thrills. Don’t worry If you think your life sucks, you can reconstruct it anytime as it’s never too late.
“So Much Of Who We Are Is Where We Have Been” – WILLIAM LANGEWIESCHE

What I have learned?
- Traveling is about being brave and independent not rich
- Travelling is the best institute to learn life lessons
- Travel unlocks your mind to new possibilities
- Adventure is the art of breaking your comfort zone
- Travel is the key to be a better version of yourself
How to save for traveling the world?

I started my financial planning by dividing my salary into two parts: basic necessities and travel goals. I immediately cut down my eating out routines, stopped going to cinemas and spending on unwanted materialistic things. From shopaholic I became Traveloholic. I wasn’t feeling bad at all for changing my lifestyle in fact I was enthusiastic to save each penny to make my dream come true. I made my bucket list of top 5 most favorite countries that I would travel one by one each year. But God was kind and I could afford to travel all 5 the same year. Later, traveling became the most important part of my life and I started working hard, saving money and just roaming around the world.
My plan is to inspire you to embark on your own travel journey so you can inspire others. While I am not a travel expert but I enjoy sharing my experiences and hoping that you gonna follow me on my adventure land.
You want to know more ?
Keep reading my blog and you will find so many relevant topics like how to travel on budget, how to take photos, how to plan a trip, dos and donts of traveling. Never be shy in asking any question (be it the silliest one) as I am here to clear all your doubts and take all your fears.

You are always welcome on commenting, joining me on Insta, Facebook or emails. If you haven’t yet then Sign up for my best travel tips and get motivated by receiving my newsletters every month. Stop thinking and start doing to stay in touch. “Let’s Connect & unlock the Secret”

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