What if you could reverse your age?

Have you ever thought if you could reverse your age. I know what you’re thinking “Is it actually possible?” Frankly, I don’t have the formula to freeze time but I can surely reveal the mystery of how to change your age. Yes, today I will share with you a little known concept of changing or reversing the aging process.
I have met many folks who are in their 70s ( look as if in 50s ) and are doing road trips, hiking, bike trips and what not. I seriously want myself to be like one of these people, what about you? What do you think that these people did that have made them look young and feel young? I was intrigued to know the secret so I digged deeper and found out the ‘secret to reverse your age’.
Have you ever met someone and then yelled, ‘Holy Shit, this person looked exactly same 15 years ago!’, those were my words when I saw Will Smith in an event in Dubai. Additionally, I read articles about Milind Soman and Rahul Bose who have been running Ironman challenge triathlon and various marathons in their 50s. So how are these people defying age? Is there any magic potion they are drinking or is that due to a secret medical science invention?

Why you should reverse your age
Wait a second, have you ever thought why we don’t want to age after a certain point in life? I remember as a kid all I wanted was to grow older. As the youngest one I always wanted to be as old as my sister so I could do what she used to do. When I was in school, I wanted to get old quickly so I could go to college (to be able to bunk classes and chill with friends) and in college I wanted to get more old to work in an office (to make more money & be independent).
Getting more and more old was my fantasy ( I don’t know why I was obsessed at one point). And now I just can’t wait to get retired, start gardening, make clay pots as a side hustle and scold my grandchildren for breaking them. Just kidding! (I don’t know why I thought that would be funny).
Having said that, I feel that nobody wants to age farther than 30-40 years. That is because, the more old you get the more health related problems you have to face. Your face gets wrinkles and looks sunken, your teeth falls, you are unable to do physical activities due to chronic diseases like arthritis, osteoporosis, and you get several other diseases like sensory impairments, bladder control and constipation and list goes on and on. If I say, what if you don’t age further and stop yourself from getting all these diseases?

How to reverse your age
As promised, I will tell you how you can change your age by introducing you to a new concept of Biological age, which is key to keep you younger or older. No matter what your chronological age is, you can always reverse your biological age by making some health related decisions in your daily routine.
Most exciting part about Biological age is that you can literally change it by eating healthy, exercise regularly and perform fasting, unlike your chronological age where you can do nothing except ‘accept’ getting older and wiser.
For most of us, live healthier is anytime better than live longer, right? How many of you wish to have a highly functional and disease-free life? I believe all of us. And to make that wish come true all you need to do is reverse your biological age with some simple steps. I know changing your lifestyle is a big struggle and I personally fight with it on regular basis (Ughh, tell me about it).

Not many of us are always motivated to eat healthy and exercise like an athlete everyday. That’s why I don’t believe in restrictions or making major changes when it comes to making a healthy routine for myself. I take it slow with small steps and focus more on moderation and balance.
Oftentimes, trying to make drastic changes to your health routine (all at once) can lead to failure, stress, guilt, and discouragement. If you want to follow my advice, then I would suggest making small changes that can have positive impact on your health. Here I have designed two lists of do’s and don’ts to help you change your biological age. Let’s dive into it !
11 Do’s

- 0 packaged/processed food
- 1 bowl of fruits
- 2 cups of green tea/ juice
- 3 home-cooked meals a day
- 4 stretching breaks
- 5 workout sessions a week
- 6 mins of laughter
- 7 things you’re grateful for
- 8 hours sleep
- 9 glass of water
- 10 thousands steps daily
See how I did that number thing, isn’t that a beautiful list. Write this down and put it on your fridge.
11 Don’ts

- Smoking cig & Alcohol
- More teas/coffees
- Stress/ anxiety
- Obsessive eating/munching
- Unhappy relationships
- High sugar intake
- Too much fried /refined food
- Skipping breakfast
- Lazing/ couching all day
- Instant/ready to eat food consumption
- Not fasting regularly
Journey of my Biological age
OMG I was a junk eater, party animal and everything else you can imagine, to start with. For many years, my routine was partying all night, coming back home in the morning and sleeping in the same clothes with my makeup on. That’s the shortest I could describe my lifestyle that I had until a few years back. After I came across people who are 45- 50 plus but still so fit and look so young that you can’t guess what their chronological age is. Since I was so impressed with them that they became my role model and I decided to change my lifestyle. I took it as a challenge and approached a holistic way to change my lifestyle which gradually changed my biological age successfully. BTW, can you guess my biological age ?
With all that said, I am trying to tell you that no matter how bad your lifestyle or health routine is, small changes can make a big difference. Looking back at myself, I would never want to go back to that lifestyle ever again and I am glad I took those steps to change my overall life in a positive way.
7 Exercises to reverse your Biological Age:

Workout does not only enhance your strength, flexibility and active energy but it also has a positive impact on your thought process, mood and confidence level. As I always say ‘your today will decide your tomorrow’. Therefore, start today and I bet you will see the improvement in a week and then it is not easy to quit this amazing exercise regime. Once you get to see the positive shift in your body and mind, you will never want to go back.
I feel now is the time when you can transform your life from home and come out of this pandemic more healthier, fit and skilled. If that sounds like a good deal to you, then let’s jump into my 7 most favorite exercises for beginners. Also, you can google them or quickly check on YouTube if these names sound unfamiliar to you.
7 minute Challenge
- 1 min of skipping (with a real rope or pretend)
- 2 Push ups X 3
- 3 set of plank ( inc. side plank, 30 sec each)
- 4 squat jumps
- 5 Leg flutter X 3
- 6 Burpees
- 7 Mountain climb X 3
Remember it doesn’t matter how you look but what matters is how your body functions during your aging process.
Let me know in the comment box what’s your favourite exercise and who is your fitness role model?
Catch you in the next post.
#StayHome #StaySafe

This was a fascinating read. Great article!
Thanks alot Anisha
Great post. I will write down the list and follow.
One tip: Never apologize for a pun. It shows your confidence. Assume that if you found it funny, others would too. On a personal level, we are all the same across continents.
Thanks for the tip Shaily. Will remember this. Much appreciated.
Thanks Akshita
Vanya Rajwar
I usually dance when it comes to exercising. I joined the gym when I was in the modelling industry for three years but bid adieu later.
I enjoy dancing, I never enjoyed the gym.
I‘ve found Your advice very useful. Thank You so much!
My favourite exercise is “clap over heads” because it’s so easy 😂😂